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  But almost impossible was the key. Everything had a weakness no matter the race, color, or species. He did not know how Seneca had not figured it out. Maybe he had but was not willing to see the destruction of the earth to achieve it. It was the good in him that made Michael stay on Lilith’s side. But the thought of it all ending and him being in total control also excited him. He knew there was no way he could ever take them all down by himself. Mortis had been the right hand man of her when the revolt started in heaven but in all of the man written text, you find no mention of him. Then you had Sameal, one of the truest dark ones he had ever seen. He was written about often and his name was supposed to mean, “the blind god.” Then came Amy, the supposed, “president in hell” he loved the human versions of them. Then Abaddon, his name meant “to destroy,” then the classic Beelzebub, “prince of demons,” Mastema, the one of “hostility,” Pharzuph, she of “fornication and lust,” and last but not least, Rahab, he of “violence.” How had the mortal man written of these creatures for years and not figured out who and what they were.? But they had their Bibles and the hopes that this Jesus had come to take care of their sins and died for them. Maybe the creator loved them so much he would create a home for them in heaven. What other reason could there have been for it to happen that way?

  He had no idea what all the religions of the world meant, and what they stood for. It seemed they all were so closely related, but yet so far apart in beliefs. He had always been an avid reader of the human texts. The mortal Bible had always been the one that intrigued him the most. He knew it was a book of good versus evil, and most vampires would not touch it, but the stories gathered great interest from him. It was plain to see it was about Lilith and the council in parts. There was no doubt the one called the devil was her. In the beginning and the talk about the war in heaven and the “angels” being overthrown. In his mind the mortal definition of angel was far from what any on the council were. In all the ancient texts, it was easy to see Lilith as what she was. The humans were close but had not quite connected the dots on vampires and demons, although many called them such. But a demon could be many things in the mind. He knew how they came to be, the fall from grace and being banished to the earth, and he just figured that wretched creature, the mother of Seneca, had stumbled upon the light by hating who she had been as a true dark one. As for Lilith, the closest he had seen her being described as what she was was by Charles Fossey, who had translated her name to mean, “female night being or demon.” That word demon always slipped in there somehow. But to him her name should have meant nothing more than fear and panic.

  Chapter 11

  “The Council and Extinction”

  Even the Council had a beginning. Their beginnings had not consisted of the dark drink and not all of them had originally been evil beings. There had at one time been peace and tranquility in the heavens, the universe. But all that changed when God had decided to create the earth, to create man. It was then that something came over Lilith, she developed a sense of wanting to be in charge of it. After all had she not always been God’s right hand man so to speak. Why did he need to oversee the creation? Why could she not operate the little puppets as she wanted? Wasn’t she not the second most powerful creature in heaven? She felt a sense of entitlement. It was boring to her to spend day after day in peace and tranquility.She had gathered them one by one and talked about joining together and taking over it all, making God bow down to her and ruling all kingdoms. He had heaven, give her this new creation and let her taste some of the power. But in her mind, God had been too much of a dictator, wanting it all for himself.

  She had thought it selfish for him not to share the wealth, and in her plans to take over had only succeeded in getting them all cast out and forced to roam the earth. The blood took on a new meaning to her and it was great joy in tasting the humans. Killing one by one what he had made from the dust. That was another thing the humans had wrong in their writings, she had always been a demon, she had never been created from the dust of the ground to serve as Adams first wife at the same time he was made. She still had the power to talk to God and she had asked for his permission to walk with this new man and serve with him as equal partners. But Adam had insisted she be subservient to him. She had tried to remain calm and do as he asked. She had already been tossed out of the heavens for her evil desires, but she could not stand the thought of Adam being on top of her during sex and controlling her. It was always like he was looking down on her as less than him and she knew she was and always would be more. She refused him and went to the other side of the Garden. She had actually fled the Garden and met with Sameal. In some parts of the world, the story was well known. She and Sameal had fucked, and when the angels of heaven came to take her back to the Garden and Adam, she had refused to go. Some wrote that she knew she could not be Adams wife because she had cheated on him, but to her sex was sex, and she had not created what was know known as sin yet. The earth was still pure. Sin could only come about from the humans.

  She had gone back to the Garden when she learned that God had cast a sleep spell on Adam and took one of his ribs and created this thing called Eve, this woman. Lilith had felt the fires of rage burn up inside her at how cunning this man was. He had convinced God to make something from him for him and she knew this Eve would be his little slave girl forever. He was not the innocent little mortal written about in their Bible. He was pissed at the fact she was far superior to him and only asked to be with him to see what cute things he could do. He was innocent in the fact that there was no sin, yet. But he had thought himself some sort of supreme being since he was created by God, talked to God, walked with him in this Garden paradise. He was simply the first. God had created other beings. Placed them in various locations in his creation. But none other were allowed in the Garden, all others were kept outside the walls. She had been to these places, seen these things and always wondered yet again at how the stupid humans with all their knowledge had not figured it all out yet. But even she did not know the answers to everything. Her biggest wonder had always been this Jesus, this son of God as the mortals had written about him. She understood the human Old Testament, and all the things in it she had seen and lived. The second part of it made no sense to her. Why did he have to come to the earth to save the petty little children that God had created? It all seemed a feel good story, something to give the mortals hope in their death. There was no hope, they were nothing. They were earth, they were dirt and to it they should return.

  Mortis had been her chief leader in the revolt in heaven. They became what the humans knew as angels on the same day. He was always her closest friend. There had been some resentment when the revolt failed, and they were all cast to the earth to roam it forever. But when Mortis had created Michael, the resentment left. Lilith knew the very first human vampire would be a strong thing, but could be destroyed. Hell all of them could be destroyed, but it would take a special sequence of events and the humans were too stupid to ever figure it out. Mortis was strong, almost as strong as her, but she had not earned the title of Satan, the Devil, that old snake over the years for nothing. There was none as ruthless and cold blooded as she. It was her goal, her fate to rule the heavens and the earth and she was sure the time had come. In all actuality, Mortis was her true King. Michael was nothing more than a Prince of Darkness. Mortis had accepted his role as Chief of the Council in order to see Michael assume the title and rule the earth with her. It was quite the hierarchy on the Vampire tree of darkness. It all began with Lilith, she was the root of all evil, the Queen of darkness and sin. Then it was Mortis, the king, the second in command. The one who led Lilith’s army on the attack of God. Then Samael, he was almost as cold as her. When God had given her a second chance outside the Garden to come back and make amends with the man, she had refused, she had been content in the throes of sexual lust with the demon. Sameal had a resentment for her and a love at the same time. His wrath had been felt by all when she left him for Michael. He had gone on
a human killing spree and wiped out hundreds of them in one night. But nothing could ever compare to Lilith, it is well known by some in the educated world that she has no mercy on anyone and she has always taken great joy in the demise of mortal babies. To some it is a myth that she is the cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. To those on the Council and the ones of the light, it is no myth.

  The Tree of Darkness continues with Amy and Mastema. The mortal title of president of hell fit Amy well. She loved to reside in the underworld and torture the souls of the vampire. As much a Mortis was second in command on the council, Amy had stolen Lilith’s heart for her brutal torture of the vampire soul. It was her belief if the idiots could not stay alive after receiving the gift, then they should be punished severely upon meeting death. The roles of those on the Council seemed to mirror each other in ways, they were a great compliment to one another's darkness. Masteema, was the ruler of hostility. It was open season on the humans once they were created and they were tossed out of heaven. Masteema loved controlling the mind and causing angry moments between happily married humans. He was like a door to door salesman bouncing happily in his misery from house to house, accomplishing many moments of hostility between mortals as often as he could. Nothing pissed him off more than a happily married, or a boyfriend and girlfriend that he could not corrupt.

  Then there was Beelzebub. The Prince of Demons. He was the cause of mental illness in the humans. He loved playing with the Catholic Priests and entering the human body. It was never his intent to control the mortal forever, just terrorize the Priests more so than anything else. He loved the movies and thought the classic The Exorcist was the funniest movie he had ever seen. He always thought it could almost be a biography on him. He loved to watch it, and then in his blood filled laughing eyes, would go out and drink his fill and then climb in some human body and take it for a test ride of crazy. He always thought it odd that the Catholic segment of religion placed more emphasis on demon possession than all others. He was also the most reckless of them all and felt Lilith’s wrath quite often. Most of the Council preferred to stay out of the spotlight so to speak. They were the oldest and wisest for a reason. Hell, they were time itself, almost. He hated it when she scolded him because he considered her reckless abandon when on her child killing or cold blooded killing sprees to be just as dangerous as his. It wasn’t like he was making himself visible when he controlled the mortals actions. He knew he would now have to lay low because of her latest actions in New Orleans. It was a city he frequented often. All of them did. No wonder it had a such a dark history. As much as he loved toying with the Catholics, he also relished in the tradition of Voodoo.

  Rahab was in control of violence, if it was spousal abuse, child abuse, or just a good old serial killer, then he was the responsible party. He always enjoyed it when he and Beelzebub teamed up to mentally torment the mind and cause the body to destroy others. They had often thought about keeping their serial killer free forever, to keep panic on the lose in a town, but they would both grow tired of the game and leave the unknowing subject at the mercy of the law at just the right time. And as much as the others controlled, hostility, violence and mental anguish, Pharzuph ruled over fornication and lust. And after she had destroyed relationships and marriages, Abaddon would come along and finish destroying them. He was after all in charge of all things destructive. But his favorite times were working with Pharzuph and ending happy homes. It was a bonus when they could get a suicide out of it.

  At the top of the tree was Michael. He had no distinct control over anything, but he was the purest mortal vampire. He was the first. It had always been a game of survival for them as they walked the earth, but Mortis had raised the stakes when he decided he wanted one of his own, one to teach the darkness too. One that could walk in the night and create a race of himself. They were all human kike in their appearances, but Mortis had known he would need an army of Michael’s kind to keep the earth in turmoil. The Council did not let themselves be seen often. They preferred to suck their victims off of the ground and into the clouds to feast. It was another mystery the mortals could never figure out. How could someone just disappear into thin air and never be heard from again? Lilith would never remain hidden like that. Oh, she did her child killing in the cover of invisibility, but she wanted her victims to see her, to touch her in all of her magnificent beauty. And Mortis knew a mortal vampire would be her perfect companion.

  There had been no happiness among the Council ever since that judgment day when God had cast them all out. The had roamed the earth with the dinosaurs in the cover of darkness before there was even a light to shine from the sky. Everyone believes that if there is no light, then nothing can grow or exists, but even in total darkness there is always the ability to see. The mortal story begins with, “In the beginning” and when they were cast out, that was the beginning. The story is just a brief synopsis of the time that really passed between their downfall and the creation of man. It was safe to say that Michael was thousands of years old, but there was no number to their infinity. Maybe one day someone would figure out how and why the dinosaurs really disappeared.

  Chapter 12

  “Confrontation and Nothing”

  Lilith had decided to give the city a break for a night and instead of a room or two of blood, she would take a in a parade. Dressed in her skin tight blue jeans and untucked black button up shirt, her dark eyes and hair made her a beauty that would cause many men to get their faces slapped tonight by wives and girlfriends. Her ample breast causing every fiber in the shirt to reach its limits in stretching. She was feeling her power and she would feed tonight on some young handsome man that wanted a woman of experience, and she would give an experience he would never forget. She loved to make Michael jealous. It served her no purpose other than she could. She would see the anger in his eyes and know there was nothing he could do when she found her morsel to fuck. Such a pity the mortal man could not bring her to the same pleasurable orgasm that he could. She would never admit that to him, but having sex with him was unlike nothing she had known. The fire that raged in her cold body when he fucked her like the beast she was was untamable. Her black eyes glowed red from the sensations in her loins and her tongue and teethe longed to nibble and bite on his neck. She had to stop thinking about it, as she knew this was a time of revelry. She would fuck her mortal man, and then with her blood stained mouth would let Michael take her in his rage of jealousy.

  Summer looked at Seneca from the bedroom door. It was time to tell him her decision. He was sitting on the couch and she knew he was getting ready to go feed. It was that time of the night. It was always the same routine with him. He would leave, go out and just wander the streets. But tonight would be different, he wanted to take in the parade and do so alone. He knew there would be someone there he needed to see, but someone she was not yet prepared for. And he was seriously wondering if she ever would be. He was starting to question his own motives, and was having second thoughts about making her a child of the light. Maybe it best if she just stay married to him and mortal. If this was to be his end, she could live on and raise the children. They could cease from their human existence whenever the time came and go back to the dust from which they came. The more he thought about the consequences of this time this ending or salvation of the human race, the more he thought it best to fight it alone. His eyes saw the vision of Amaranth in everything he did the last couple of days, and he did not mind meeting his fate, whatever it was, but was hoping he could save her from hers.

  “Seneca,” she said, “I think we need to talk. All of this has really had a much bigger effect on me than I thought it would. I know it is time for you to feed, but I need to tell you my decision.” He held up his hand. As much as he wanted to know what she was thinking, he did not want to know. It would have to wait. Was he postponing the truth or his agony? He really wasn’t sure. “Summer, I don’t mean this as a slight, but I have to take care of something tonight. I must admit, I’m not sure wha
t I want to hear from you right now. You know the truths, the history as it really is of the world and its existence. I wish I had never told you, but in the thoughts of my foolish dreams, I wanted to wish a happy ending to this whole mess. I’m not sure what it even is. But I must go now. This cannot wait. Tonight is a must see attraction for me and one you cannot be a part of even if you wanted to. I will see Lilith tonight. I can feel her in my bones. I assure you I will come home and we can talk about your decision in the morning, but this has to be done. She knows it and so do I. It is nothing more than a moment for each of us to see the other. But it is a moment that must happen. It will signify that it is time to end this all.”

  His words pissed her off. It was not what she wanted to hear. But she also knew that if he felt he must leave, then there was nothing she could say or do to make him stay. She felt her blood pressure rise and wanted to bitch him out, but was torn in her thoughts as well. Could she really be mad at him in all of this confusion about something that had been taking place since the beginning of time. Even though he was not as old as time and they were, she knew inside her still beating heart that to be upset was not the thing to do right now. She didn’t like it, but it was a trait she wished she did not have. When he seemingly brushed her off like she knew he was not doing on purpose right now, it made her mad. If he felt it best she keep her thoughts to herself until morning maybe that was what she needed to do. He was pretty sure he would be home in the morning, but she also wondered what if he wasn’t.